Send in film

Simply fill out the online order form and mail your film! Invoice will be sent when your film is received.

Current turnaround time is within 7 business days.

Film Lab 135 is closed weekends and holidays.


How to order

Make sure you have rinsed your film for 5-10 minutes after souping and then dried your film for at least 2 weeks. (You can also dry in your dryer for 5 cycles if you’re impatient.) Fill out the order form, mail your film to Amy Elizabeth, 4949 1/2 Xerxes Ave S, Mpls, MN 55410 and wait for your confirmation and invoice!

And be sure to expect the unexpected.


All film is hand-developed and adjusted in-scanner on a Noritsu LS-600. It is then taken into Lightroom for color-correction and fine tuning.

Web Size | 23.5

Small Size | 26.5

Art Size | 30.5

Develop Only | 12

Disposable Camera | +2 (or remove the film yourself by cracking open the camera after you’re finished)

Half Frames (If scanned individually-no extra charge if scanned as diptychs) | +5


You have the choice for your negatives to be tossed, mailed back immediately, or mailed back with upcoming orders. If you choose for them to be mailed back with upcoming orders, the $9 charge will occur at the time of the mailing.

By filling out the order form you agree to the Terms of Service:

Currently Film Lab 135 only processes 35mm film in C-41 chemicals. (If you send black and white or slide film, it will be cross-processed. NOTE: Black and white film runs a high risk, but high reward in this cross-processing technique.)

Upon arrival to the lab, a confirmation email with an attached invoice will be sent to the client. The day an order invoice is paid is considered day zero in the calculation of turnaround time. Turnaround times may be affected by scheduled lab closures and prices are subject to change without notice.

If an invoice remains unpaid for 14 days, the client will be sent an email with an invoice for the cost of return shipment of the film. If return shipment remains unpaid for 14 days, the film becomes property of Film Lab 135 and will be disposed of.

Film Lab 135 does not develop explicit or pornographic images. If you’re unsure if your images are considered explicit, please contact us before sending your film. Any film that is developed and found to be explicit will not be scanned, nor will the negatives be returned.

Film Lab 135 does not process any film souped in bodily fluids because these pose significant health risks. Please respect that blood, urine, and any other bodily fluid is biohazardous and do not send film exposed to these elements to the lab.

Submitting any film to us for processing, scanning, or shipping is an agreement that any loss or damage to products by Film Lab 135 employees or agents, even by negligence or other fault, will entitle the client to a partial refund for film costs and credit for future processing. Except for the aforementioned, we will process your film without other liability. Recovery for any other accidental or consequential damage is also excluded.

Film Lab 135 is a small lab with only one scanner, so approximate turnaround might be affected if the scanner needs servicing in which case you will be contacted regarding delays in order fulfillment.

Film is expected to be rinsed for 5-10 minutes after souping and then sufficiently dried before sending into Film Lab 135. Film that is not properly dried will be harder to load; Film Lab 135 is not held responsible for negative effects due to insufficiently dried film.

Due to the nature of film soup, there is a chance the film emulsion can be ruined in parts or in whole, stick together, or tear making it difficult or impossible to salvage portions of the film. Film Lab 135 will make its very best efforts to salvage every roll of film that comes its way but cannot guarantee the entirety of the roll will be processed and scanned.

Sometimes the roll is too crinkled for the scanner to keep it aligned from the judgment screen to the actual scanning. Rolls will be scanned no more than three times in an effort to line up the frames. The best outcome of each frame will be uploaded to your gallery.

If the client accidentally sends in an unexposed and un-souped roll, we will not scan the roll and will apply a credit to the client’s next order to cover the cost of a future scan ($10, $13, $15 depending on size of scan ordered). When developing, if the roll of 35mm has torn sprockets, there is a chance we will be unable to scan or develop the roll. In these instances, we will reach out to the client.

If the film is mailed and short on postage, the client will pay a flat $9 fee for a Post Office retrieval plus the fee Film Lab 135 incurs from the shortage.

Links for downloads are valid for one week. If an order needs to be resent after its expiration, the client may be subject to a $15 reactivation fee.  Order forms are retained for 6 months and Film Lab 135 is not liable for information on specific orders older than 6 months.

Reworks and/or rescans may be subject to additional client payment. Clients have 10 business days from receipt of order to dispute any concerns with billing and 21 days from order receipt to dispute concerns with scans.

All negatives will be cut and sleeved unless otherwise specified. If a roll has overlapping frames, Film Lab 135 will use its best judgment when cutting negatives, but a portion of the image may be cut. Negatives to be archived are held for up to 6 months. The price for returning negatives within the Contiguous United States is a flat rate of $9. The price for shipping international orders will vary based on weight and location.

If a mailed package is returned to the lab as undelivered, the client will need to pay a second shipping charge to have the package resent.

Film Lab 135 is not responsible for third-party companies, such as FedEx, UPS or USPS and any damage/delay to packages being sent to/from us. Film Lab 135 is not responsible for any damage to property due to fire, flood, or any other Act of God.