Film Lab 135 will be closed Friday, February 28 and Monday, March 3

Film Lab 135 Order Form

Fill out the order form before mailing your film. When your film is received, you will be emailed an invoice and can pay via credit card at that time.

Mail to: Amy Elizabeth, 4949 1/2 Xerxes Ave S, Mpls, MN 55410


Develop only (for 35mm or 120)| 12

Develop+ Art Scans ~4000x6000 | 30.5

Develop+ Small Scans ~2000x3000 | 26.5

Develop+ Web Scans ~1000x1500 | 23.5

Disposable Camera | +2 (alternatively, you can open the camera and remove the cartridge yourself)

Half Frames (If scanned individually. No extra charge if scanned as diptychs) | +5

Have Film Lab 135 soup your already-shot rolls for you in a mystery recipe! | +7 per every 3 rolls.


Only 35mm film can be scanned. Unfortunately, my machine does not allow for sprocket scan (I’m as sad as you are)

All film will be developed in C41 chemicals with other souped rolls.

This means slide film and black and white will be cross-processed. Cross-process black and white at your own risk! (high risk, but high reward!) I have found fresh Ilford HP5 and Kodak TMax 400 work best. Most other black and whites bleach clear.

Current turnaround time is within 7 business days

***Be sure to include your name and email in your film package!***

Thank you for filling out the order form! Just be sure to include your name and email in the package so I can link your package with your order form.

When your film is received, you will be emailed an invoice and can pay via credit card at that time.

Mail to: Amy Elizabeth, 4949 1/2 Xerxes Ave S, Mpls, MN 55410