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135 format film is most commonly known as 35mm film, and it also happens to be my favorite format, partially because of how it lends itself to experimentation.
Enter Film Lab 135, your one-stop shop for experimental 35mm film developing and scanning.
The nascence of film lab 135
Film Lab 135 was dreamt up during the summer of 2020. I was in a photographic slump brought on by the monotony of the pandemic, and I credit leaning hard into film soup with my renewed creativity during that time.
I watched as others were struggling to push out of the doldrums of the days of “stay at home” and I felt compelled to share my privileges of home developing and scanning.
Traditional labs often don’t accept film soup, and for good reason. It’s not uncommon for souped film to leave behind bits of emulsion during the developing process. Not only is this detrimental to processing machinery, but also to other rolls developed in the same chemicals.
I develop film by hand and am fully transparent about the fact that all film sent my way gets developed together, which affords me the luxury of being able to take any sort of messed up film that comes my way.
Experimental film also has a tendency to throw off scanning software, but my passion for, and experience with, this kind of film has allowed me to happily offer this service to anyone who has caught or wants to catch the experimentation bug.